thanks to MSDN this great book can be downloaded now for free . osborne say about the Author"Herb Schildt is the leading authority on C and C++ and a best-selling author whose books have sold more than 1.5 million copies. His acclaimed C and C++ books include Teach Yourself C, C++ from the Ground Up, Teach Yourself C++, C++: The Complete Reference, Borland C++: The Complete Reference, and C++ Programmer's Reference to name a few." and even those how criticized hem say "Schildt's books have a reputation for being written in a clear style that is very easy to understand."this great book is 540 page that you cant stop reading it until you finish اخي القارئ العربي الحبيب هذا الكتاب من تأليف و احد من احب المؤلفين الغرب الي قلبي و الي قلب الكثير من قراء التقنية العرب وذلك لان كتبه تتميز بالوضوح وعدم استعمال الالفاظ الصعبة و كم كنت اتمني ان يألف هذا الرجل العظيم في جميع مجالات الحاسب لكنه متخصص في لغات البرمجة ذات الاقواس المجعدة كم تترجم بالعربية...