تقرير حول كتاب لغة سي ++ بعنوان C++ A Beginner’s Guide by Herbert Schildt للمولف هربرت سكيلد

thanks to MSDN this great book can be downloaded now for free . osborne say about the Author"Herb Schildt is the leading authority on C and C++ and a best-selling author whose books have sold more than 1.5 million copies. His acclaimed C and C++ books include Teach Yourself C, C++ from the Ground Up, Teach Yourself C++, C++: The Complete Reference, Borland C++: The Complete Reference, and C++ Programmer's Reference to name a few." and even those how criticized hem say "Schildt's books have a reputation for being written in a clear style that is very easy to understand."this great book is 540 page that you cant stop  reading it  until  you finish

اخي القارئ  العربي الحبيب هذا الكتاب من تأليف و احد من احب المؤلفين الغرب الي قلبي و الي قلب الكثير من  قراء التقنية العرب وذلك لان كتبه تتميز بالوضوح وعدم استعمال الالفاظ الصعبة و كم كنت اتمني ان يألف هذا الرجل العظيم في جميع مجالات الحاسب لكنه متخصص في لغات البرمجة ذات الاقواس المجعدة كم تترجم بالعربية"{"  وهذة اللغات هي سي و سي ++ و جافا و سي شارب و لحسن الحظ فقد قامت مكتبة ام اس دي ان الخاصة بميكروسوفت بادراج هذا الكتاب ضمن محتوياتها المتاحة علي الانترنت مما مكانني من ان اضعه لكم في هذه المدونه فستمتعوا معي بقرائة هذا الكتاب

Module 1 
C++ Fundamentals

A Brief History of C++
How C++ Relates to Java and C#
Object-Oriented Programming
A First Simple Program
A Second Simple Program
Using an Operator
Reading Input from the Keyboard
Project 1-1 Converting Feet to Meters
Two Control Statements
Using Blocks of Code
Project 1-2 Generating a Table of Feet to Meter Conversions
Introducing Functions
The C++ Keywords

Module 2
 Introducing Data Types and Operators
The C++ Data Types
Project 2-1 Talking to Mars
Literals A Closer Look at Variables
Arithmetic Operators
Relational and Logical Operators
Project 2-2 Construct an XOR Logical Operation
The Assignment Operator
Compound Assignments
Type Conversion in Assignments
Type Conversion in Expressions
Spacing and Parentheses
Project 2-3 Compute the Regular Payments on a Loan
Module 3 
Program Control Statements
The if Statement
The switch Statement
The for Loop
The while Loop
The do-while Loop
Using break to Exit a Loop
Using continue
Nested Loops
Using the goto Statement

Module 4 
Arrays, Strings, and Pointers
Use one-dimensional arrays
Two-Dimensional Arrays
Multidimensional Arrays
Some String Library Functions
Array Initialization
Arrays of Strings
The Pointer Operators
Pointer Expressions
Pointers and Arrays
Multiple Indirection

Module 5 
Introducing Functions

Know the general form of a function
Creating a Function
Using Arguments
Using return
Using Functions in Expressions
Local Scope
Global Scope
Passing Pointers and Arrays to Functions
Returning Pointers
Pass Command-Line Arguments to main( )
Function Prototypes

Module 6
 A Closer Look at Functions
Know the two approaches to argument passing
How C++ Passes Arguments
Using a Pointer to Create a Call-by-Reference
Reference Parameters
Returning References
Independent References
Function Overloading
Default Function Arguments
Function Overloading and Ambiguity

Module 7
 More Data Types and Operators

The const and volatile Qualifiers
static Variables
register Variables
The Shift Operators
The ? Operator
The Comma Operator
Compound Assignment
Using sizeof

Module 8 
Classes and Objects
The General Form of a Class
Defining a Class and Creating Objects
Adding Member Functions to a Class
Project 8-1 Creating a Help Class
Constructors and Destructors
Parameterized Constructors
Inline Functions
Arrays of Objects
Initializing Object Arrays
Pointers to Objects

Module 9 
A Closer Look at Classes

Overload contructors
Assign objects
Pass objects to functions
Return objects from functions
Create copy contructors
Use friend functions
Know the structure and union
Understand this
Know operator overlaoding fundamentals
Overlaod operators using member functions
Overlad operators using nonmember functions

Module 10
 Inheritance, Virtual Functions,and Polymorphism

Inheritance Fundamentals
Base Class Access Control
Using protected Members
Calling Base Class Constructors
Creating a Multilevel Hierarchy
Inheriting Multiple Base Classes
When Constructor and Destructor Functions Are Executed
Pointers to Derived Types
Virtual Functions and Polymorphism
Pure Virtual Functions and Abstract Classes

Module 11 
The C++ I/O System
Understand I/O streams
Know the I/O class hierarchy
Overload the << and >> operators
Format I/O by using iso member functions
Format I/O by using manipulators
Create your own manupulators
Open and close files
Read and write text files
Read and write binary files
Know additional file functions
Use randon access files I/O
Check I/O system status

Exceptions, Templates, and Other Advanced Topics
Exception Handling
Generic Functions
Generic Classes
Dynamic Allocation
static Class Members
Runtime Type Identification (RTTI) The Casting Operators

Appendix A

The Preprocessor


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